

联邦直接贷款 are low-interest loans for students and parents to help pay for the cost of a student’s education after high school. 贷款人是美国.S. 教育部. 更多资料请浏览 StudentAid.政府.

The student must be enrolled at least half-time (6 credit hours) and meet general eligibility requirements for the Federal Student Aid programs. 有关这些要求的更多信息可通过 贷款入学辅导指南.

The types of students’ Direct Loans are Subsidized Direct Loans and Unsubsidized Direct Loans. 直接补贴贷款是为有经济需要的学生提供的, 由联邦法规决定. 学生注册至少一半时间,不收取利息, 在学生的宽限期和延期期间.  Direct Unsubsidized Loans are not based on financial need and interest is charged during all periods.

学生必须完成 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA). First-time borrowers at Howard Payne University will be required to complete 入学咨询 和一个 主本票(MPN). 这是一次性的要求. 在随后的几年里, students who request a loan will be awarded a loan through the Serial Loan process. Students will be required to confirm that they want to continue to receive a Direct Loan under the MPN.


如果学生从联邦直接贷款中获得资金, 这些说明必须仔细阅读和遵守. 


If the student wants to accept their Federal Direct Student Loan, the students will be required to:
  1. 接受贷款,然后
  2. 完成入学辅导和
  3. 填写直接学生贷款主本票(MPN).

Both 入学咨询 and the completion of the MPN is an on-line process. Complete information and instructions will be included with your Award Notification.


The 主本票(MPN) is a very important contract between the borrower and the lender. The MPN allows borrowers to receive multiple subsidized and/or unsubsidized Federal Direct Student Loans over a ten (10) year period. Each year that the student receives a Federal Direct Student Loan under the MPN, the student is required to confirm that he or she wishes to receive subsequent loans under the MPN.

A student will be defined as a “借款人” 如果满足以下所有条件:

  • 以前从联邦直接学生贷款中借款,并且
  • 是否有有效的本票在部门存档. 作为贷款人的教育

To confirm that the student wants to continue to receive loans under the MPN, the student must accept the loan(s) and complete the Loan Confirmation Form for the academic year. It is not necessary to complete a new Serial Loan Form each time additional loans are received during the same academic year.

学生必须完成 出口咨询 当时间降至一半以下或停止注册时.


点击这里 查看HPU学生过去使用过的贷款机构列表. 霍华德·佩恩大学(Howard Payne University)并不推崇任何一家贷款机构.  这只是一个历史上的贷款人名单.


Direct Parent (PLUS) Loans are low-interest loans available to parents of dependent students. 在所有期间都要收取利息. 父母必须通过信用审查.  信贷审批将由部门处理. 的教育. 学生必须至少注册一半时间. The parent may borrow up to the 出勤费用 少 all other financial aid. 利率每年由财政部确定. 的教育. 联系财政援助办公室了解最新的利率. Repayment begins within 60 days after the second disbursement of the PLUS.

大量的  贷款金额的6%将被扣除.  The chart below indicates the approximate amount of actual proceeds you will receive from the PLUS loan.

Amt借来的6%的费用=约. 两个学期都是Net约. 一学期净

家长可登入网址申请“家长+直接贷款” StudentAid.政府 与父借款人FSA ID和密码.  在“家长借款人”下,选择“申请PLUS贷款”.  输入父母的个人信息后, 在下拉框中选择合适的学年. 完成PLUS预批准部分. 如果贷款被批准,填写主本票,请转到 StudentAid.政府 and under “Parent Borrowers”, choose “Complete Loan Agreement for PLUS Loan (MPN)”. 填妥并交回 家长贷款申请和授权声明 给财政援助办公室. (NOTE: Parents who have already completed an MPN in a previous year do not need to complete another one.)


The 主本票(MPN) is a very important contract between the borrower and the lender. The MPN allows borrowers to receive multiple Federal Direct Parent (PLUS) Loans over a ten (10) year period. 在MPN提交给教育部之后, the parent is not required to complete a new MPN while the dependent student attends Howard Payne University.

父级将被定义为 “借款人” 如果满足以下所有条件:

  • Previously borrowed from the Federal Direct Parent Loan for the student enrolled at HPU, and
  • 是否有有效的本票在部门存档. 作为贷款人的教育.

To confirm that the parent wants to continue to receive parent loans under the original MPN, the parent must complete the Parent (PLUS) Loan Request and Authorization Statement. 每学年必须完成学分审批程序.

It is also required that a new Parent (PLUS) Request and Authorization Statement be completed for any additional loans requested during the same academic year. If the parent needs a Parent Loan to finance another dependent student’s education, 家长必须单独填写MPN. The parent has the right to request a new MPN any time the parent borrows.


做好记录. Repaying your student loans is a serious matter and it’s important to keep accurate records of how much you are borrowing. 使用U.S. 教育部的国家学生贷款数据系统(NSLDS) http://nslds.ed.政府 , the central database for federal student aid, to keep track of all of your federal student loans. 


If you have been unable to solve a problem with your federal student loan, 你可以向联邦学生援助申诉专员小组寻求帮助. 美国联邦学生援助申诉专员小组.S. 教育部 is dedicated to helping resolve disputes related to Direct Loans, 联邦家庭教育贷款项目贷款, 担保学生贷款, 珀金斯贷款. 申诉专员小组是中立的, 非正式的, and confidential resource to help resolve disputes about your federal student loans.

Please use the following information to contact the FSA 学生贷款申诉专员 Group.
透过网上协助: http://studentaid.gov/feedback-ombudsman/disputes/prepare
通过电话: 877-557-2575
P. O. 1843箱

最后联络申诉专员小组. Make every effort to resolve your student loan problems before contacting the Ombudsman Group.